This learning module is a part of the "I Know Gender" series developed by UN Women Training Center. It's available for everyone who is interested to know the implementation of the gender markers. Gender markers are a crucial tool in the accountability of financing for gender equality and women’s empowerment. Gender equality markers can help us identify where these investments are happening and where there are gaps.
This learning module is a part of the "I Know Gender" series developed by UN Women Training Center. It's available for everyone who is interested to know the implementation of the gender markers. This module provides background information on gender equality coding and provides practice on coding specific initiatives. The module only draws on documentation from entities that have gender equality markers that are consistent with the UNDG guidance. The purpose is to provide additional information on gender equality marker definitions or codes and provide opportunities to practice coding specific initiatives.
Manuals and Guidance
Ces normes et procédures visent à combler certaines lacunes tout en exploitant le potentiel existant, en clarifiant la manière dont les GTG doivent fonctionner dans le contexte des nouveaux cadres et processus, en abordant les difficultés et les opportunités actuelles d’une manière globalement cohérente, dans les contextes nationaux.
Research and data
This dashboard is a compilation of indicators that will inform gender-responsive policy action on COVID-19. It is an inter-agency collaboration that has benefitted from the inputs of ILO, ITU, UNCTAD, UNDP, UN-Habitat, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNODC, WFP, WHO and many others.
Research and data
The COVID-19 Global Gender Response Tracker monitors responses taken by governments worldwide to tackle the pandemic, and highlights those that have integrated a gender lens. It captures two types of government responses: women’s participation in COVID-19 task forces and national policy measures taken by governments. It analyzes which of the policy measures address women’s economic and social security, including unpaid care work, the labour market and violence against women. The Tracker can provide guidance for policymakers and evidence for advocates to ensure a gender-sensitive COVID-19 policy response.
Research and data
Agreed by the United Nations Statistical Commission (decision 42/102) in 2013 as a guide for national production and international compilation of gender statistics, the Minimum Set of Gender Indicators is a collection of 52 quantitative indicators and 11 qualitative indicators addressing relevant issues related to gender equality and/or women's empowerment.
Reports Research and data
UN Women conducted a research analysis of UN Joint Programmes (JPs) from an overall perspective and with a focus on gender equality and SDG results. The main source of this analysis comes from data included in the Common Country Programming Profile Joint Programme 2019 and collected through the UNSDG Information Management System (IMS).
ITC's MenEngage Pilot Programme
Gender equality, as an end goal, is the responsibility of everyone.
Manuals and Guidance Research and data
The new Handbook on Gender Mainstreaming for Gender Equality Results prepared under the leadership of the UN System Coordination Division seeks to promote and propel systematic and effective gender mainstreaming throughout the United Nations system and within all sectors.
In line with our new Strategic Plan, the Handbook contributes to UN Women’s thought leadership and capacity building on gender mainstreaming that will benefit the UN system and Member States. Notably, the Handbook comes at an opportune time when ECOSOC marks the 25th anniversary of the adoption its Agreed Conclusions on gender mainstreaming this year, and systematic gender mainstreaming is increasingly recognized as critical to accelerating progress on gender equality, including in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and Our Common Agenda where the emphasis is on a new social contract that is inclusive of women and girls.
Specifically, the Handbook identifies the key concepts, principles and approaches underlying the gender mainstreaming strategy. It outlines opportunities to apply gender analyses across different contexts and manage for gender equality results. It also shows how to identify opportunities for organizational change, enhance financing for gender equality, and strengthen monitoring and evaluation for the oversight of the results of gender mainstreaming.
While the Handbook is focused specifically on the more traditional areas of development policy and practice, the discussions, findings, and recommendations are equally applicable in the context of humanitarian responses and programmes in conflict and peace-building contexts.
For more than three decades, UNRISD has been exploring the gendered power relations at the centre of institutions and policies, political and social life, and how such dynamics shape unjust gender outcomes.
Briefs and brochures
A quick overview of UN-SWAP accountablity framework, with its history, milestone events, key resources generated and key results achieved since 2012.
Manuals and Guidance
The Gender Mainstreaming Guidelines for the Public Sector in Tourism contain tools to support national, regional, local and other tourism institutions apply an approach to tourism planning, programming and implementation that integrates gender equality and women’s economic empowerment.
Tools and methodologies
The business case for advancing gender equality are well documented. In tourism, the benefits are further amplified due to the high proportion of women working in the sector. The "Gender Inclusive Strategy for Tourism Businesses" contains tools to support private sector tourism enterprises of all types and sizes to achieve effective and consistent strategies and programmes for gender equality across their operations.
The report assesses progress in mainstreaming gender perspectives in the operational activities of the United Nations development system, and in the achievement of performance requirements set forward by accountability frameworks for gender mainstreaming of the United Nations system at the global and country levels.
An entity committed to bring gender parity, diversity and inclusiveness into the digital business field.
Manuals and Guidance
This publication is part of a capacity-building initiative aimed at enhancing the capacity of sector specialists and gender focal points to produce and utilize gender analysis in their work. The focus of this guide is Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (CDRFI), a thematic area where gender analysis has been less widely implemented than in some other sectors. The guidance provides practical tips, steps, and checklists to conduct a gender analysis and examples of good practices. It is relevant for a variety of international development interventions, supporting CDRFI use for and with partner governments in programmes such as a National Adaptation Plan advisory, national disaster risk management and disaster risk financing strategies, and in areas such as financial inclusion, insurance, and agriculture, among others.
The current study is a part of the 2019-2021 Mapping and Costing Studies of Gender Equality Architecture - the existing arrangements and resources within UN entities to implement the gender mainstreaming function in the UN system. This results has been enormously revealing, including the implications of expanding gender remits, the emerging discussion on gender staffing standards, and the harmonized implementation of the gender equality marker and financial targets allowing for better understanding of investments on gender equality.
This is the powerpoint presentation of the 2019-2021 Mapping and Costing Studies of Gender Equality Architecture - the existing arrangements and resources within UN entities to implement the gender mainstreaming function in the UN system. The results have been enormously revealing, including the implications of expanding gender remits, the emerging discussion on gender staffing standards, and the harmonized implementation of the gender equality marker and financial targets allowing for better understanding of investments on gender equality.
Manuals and Guidance Standards and procedures
Este documento proporciona orientación a los CRs, al equipo país de las Naciones Unidas (UNCTs), a las agencias y al personal de la ONU y a las/los líderes e integrantes de los GTGs, sobre los estándares relacionados con el rol, las funciones y las metodologías de trabajo de estos grupos.
A light and time-bound Task Force to review UN budgets/expenditures across the system and make recommendations on how to increase financing for gender equality.