UN Women leads, coordinates and promotes the accountability of the UN system for gender equality and the empowerment of women
UN Women's work on system-wide accountability on gender equality and the empowerment of women includes leveraging UN Women’s leadership role to promote accountability of the UN system on gender mainstreaming at global (UN-SWAP) and country (UNCT-SWAP) levels and developing accountability frameworks of harmonized and commonly agreed standards.
Accountability for Thematic Coordination

Disability Inclusion
The UN Disability Inclusion Strategy (UNDIS), launched in 2020, is an inter-agency action plan and accountability framework to strengthen system-wide accessibility and the mainstreaming of the rights of people with disabilities across the UN’s operations. In addition to the entity/global accountability framework that has 15 performance indicators, there is a UN Country Teams Accountability Score Card with 14 indicators. Indicators of UNDIS implementation are also in the 2021-2024 QCPR Monitoring Framework, as well as the 2022-2025 strategic plans of UN Women, UNFPA, UNDP, UNICEF.

Ending Violence Against Women
To respond to the massive challenge of eliminating violence against women and girls (EVAWG), the 2020 Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review has asked UN development system entities to assist governments’ work to prevent and eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls. Given the scale of the challenge, the UN Women Executive Board also requested a strengthened system-wide mechanism for coordinating, achieving and reporting on results and accountability vis-à-vis EVAWG. The Results and Accountability Framework (RAF) will support the UN system at the country level to coordinate strategic planning and to achieve and report on results, ensuring accountability for the UN’s interventions on EVAWG at the highest levels.

Women, Peace and Security (WPS)
Since the adoption of Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) many recommendations have been directed at the UN system with the aim of advancing the implementation of the WPS agenda. Many of these were included in the three peace and security reviews undertaken in 2015. To accelerate delivery on these, the Secretary-General put forward ten core commitments on WPS for the UN system, linked in particular to leadership, accountability and financial support. UN Women has been tasked with measuring progress by assessing the degree to which UN entities, peace operations and UN country teams meet UN standards for leadership, accountability and financial support on the WPS agenda.