UNHCR works to ensure women, girls, men and boys with disabilities have access to vital services and have the opportunity to apply their skills and capacities to benefit themselves, their families and communities, and to identify the issues they face and develop long-term solutions.
Including persons with disabilities and expanding equitable opportunities are at the core of the World Bank's work to build sustainable, inclusive communities, aligned with the institution's goals to end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity.
Manuals and Guidance
This guideline developed by UN Women, provides a step-by-step guidance note to produce an in-depth picture of the situation, needs and capacities of women, men, boys and girls of diverse backgrounds to inform recommendations and actions that leave no one behind.
Policy Reports
The study is the first of its kind in Sri Lanka to use a gender budgeting framework to examine government plan, policies and budgets and its impact on women with disabilities. In this study, 400 persons with disabilities covering 4 districts were surveyed on difficulties faced in entering and remaining in the labour force. Evidence shows that they encounter multiple barriers in access to economic opportunities and women with disabilities are twice as disadvantaged
Good practices Reports
the Inter-Agency Standing Committee published Guidelines on the ‘Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action’ which set out essential actions that humanitarian actors must take in order to effectively identify and respond to the needs and rights of persons with disabilities.
Manuals and Guidance Tools and methodologies
The toolkit is developed based on the information gathered from the person with disability, organization for person with disability, CSO and government in Timor-Leste, who work in prevention of violence against women and children. The content in the toolkit is looking at the definition of person with disability, human right, gender, violence and action plan to help training provider conducting the training for service provider institutions.
Manuals and Guidance
The Guide supports key stakeholders to help facilitate the full inclusion and meaningful participation of women and girls with disabilities. It aims to assist in understanding of the intersectionality of human rights and provides practical recommendations for the implementation and monitoring of two key Conventions: the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
Tools and methodologies
The Gender Accessibility Audit Toolkit helps practitioners and civil society identify architectural, infrastructural, information and communication barriers that prevent women and girls with disabilities from fully exercising their human rights and fundamental freedoms. This toolkit can be used by local governments and service providers, such as social security, health care, education services, etc. in inclusive local planning, budgeting, and the provision of services. It can also guide representatives of civil society and gender equality and disability rights advocates, and women and men with disabilities to advocate for the elimination of identified barriers.
Briefs and brochures
This brief provides a short description of the project "Transforming Social Protection for Persons with Disabilities in Georgia” implemented by UN Women in partnership with five UN Agencies (UNICEF, WHO, UNDP, UNFPA, OHCRH) with the generous support of the Joint SDG Fund.
Reports Research and data Tools and methodologies
The present document analyses the current situation of gender and disability data in Georgia, including existing and potential data sources.
Manuals and Guidance
This Technical Note aims to guide UNCTs on how to mainstream gender equality considerations into planning and programming work as part of their ongoing COVID-19 response and recovery effort.
Manuals and Guidance
This guidance support UNCTs in the application of the GEM within UN INFO and the UNSDCF. The UNCT GEM tracks the resources allocated collectively by the UN system under the UNSDCF cycle, making clear the level of commitment and the degree of resources allocated by the UNCT in support of national GEWE priorities
Manuals and Guidance
This resource book supports prioritizing and mainstreaming gender equality issues in UN common programming processes. Guidance and tips for UN staff, focusing on how to mainstream gender in the UNDAF (now the Cooperation Framework).
Manuals and Guidance
Manual for facilitators: Gender-responsive Cooperation Frameworks provides guidance to facilitators and organizers on how to plan, prepare for, and conduct training on gender-responsive UN Cooperation Frameworks.
Manuals and Guidance Standards and procedures
The Resource Guide for Gender Theme Groups is a key resource for further enhancing coordinated action on gender equality and the empowerment of women by UN staff operating in the field.
Quadrennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system provides in 2020. It emphasizes that realizing gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls will make a crucial contribution to progress across all the Goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda.
Legislative basis Tools and methodologies
This background note provides an overview of existing gender equality markers and reviews issues relating to the tracking and monitoring of investments related to gender equality and women’s empowerment. It is intended as an input into the development of a guidance note for the UN system on principles and standards for the design, implementation and reporting systems on investments that support gender equality and women’s empowerment in the UN system. The target audience is the staff and leadership of UN entities and their development and humanitarian implementing partners
74 entities (96% of UN entities, corresponding to over 99% of the UN budget) reported on the UN-SWAP indicators in 2023.