Introduction Title

The United Nations Country Team System Wide Action Plan  Gender Equality Scorecard (UNCT-SWAP) focuses on improved UNCT planning, coordination, programming, resources and results for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.  

Introduction Description

 In 2008, the UN Development Group (now UN Sustainable Development Group) endorsed the UNCT Gender Equality Scorecard, which put forward minimum gender mainstreaming requirements for UNCT joint processes and institutional arrangements. Updated in 2018 to cover results tied to the SDGs and to align with the UN System-wide Action Plan (UN-SWAP) at the entity level, the framework is now known as the UNCT-SWAP Gender Equality Scorecard (UNCT-SWAP). 

UNCT-SWAP reporting takes place through comprehensive reports at the Cooperation Framework planning stage and through annual progress reports. Action planning and reporting is part of the assessment.   


Introductory Text

Together with UN Women Regional Offices and in collaboration with UN entities, UN Women’s UN system coordination division supports the development of guidance and technical tools for implementing the UNCT-SWAP and the UNCT GEM. These products are developed through a consultative process and many benefit from direct inputs and feedback from UNCTs.

Manuals and Guidance


UNCT-SWAP Gender Equality Scorecard

The UNCT-SWAP Scorecard is a standardized assessment of UN country-level gender mainstreaming practices and performance that is aimed at ensuring accountability of senior managers and improving UNCT performance. 

Manuals and Guidance


UNCT Gender Equality Marker Guidance Note (2024)

This guidance support UNCTs in the application of the GEM within UN INFO and the UNSDCF. The UNCT GEM tracks the resources allocated collectively by the UN system under the UNSDCF cycle, making clear the level of commitment and the degree of resources allocated by the UNCT in support of national GEWE priorities.

Good practices


UN Gender Theme Group: Good Practice Compendium

The UN Gender Theme Group Good Practice Compendium (2024) is a collection of examples from UN Country Teams collected during the rollout of the UNSDG Gender Theme Groups Standards and Procedures in 2022-2023. More than 300 UN colleagues at country level participated in the rollout, managed by UN Women and DCO regional offices with the support of UN Women's UN System Coordination Division, in close collaboration with DCO, UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA,  representing the UN Gender Equality Network, at a global level. The good practices are meant to strengthen the system-wide impact, efficiency, and results for gender equality led by Gender Theme Groups, currently operational in more than 100 country teams globally. The compendium provides useful and hands-on examples for the effective function and operation of Gender Theme Groups.

Global helpdesks

Support for implementing the UNCT-SWAP and the UNCT GEM is available to UNCTs through global helpdesks: