Briefs and brochures
This brief presents data on the legal barriers that women with disabilities face when accessing economic opportunities in 190 economies. The new data suggest that only one-quarter of economies worldwide explicitly protect and promote the rights of women with disabilities.
Manuals and Guidance
The Guidance Note seeks to encourage an intersectionality perspective in the context of policy development, programming and project implementation as a means of strengthening the UN system’s efforts to eliminate racial discrimination and strengthen the protection of minorities.
The latest UN system-wide achievements on gender equality and empowerment of women, collected via the 2022 UN-SWAP reporting. A total of 41 useful data points on the number and name of entities per detailed achievements, across 17 business functional indicator areas.
Seeking cross-agency adoption and collaboration
Applying a gender lens across all areas of arms control and disarmament
Tools and methodologies
This is a presentation on the GEM and financial targets in the UN System as part of the ITC-ILO Course “Gender Responsive Budgeting within Organizations”, made by UN Women in December 2022. The aim of the presentation was to inform participants about the use of the GEM and financial targets as UN tools for ensuring gender equality and the empowerment of women at entity and country levels and at pooled funds.
Dignity and Inclusion as an essential topic to the UN
Briefs and brochures
A brief overview to summarizing the impact of COVID-19 on the 17 performance indicator areas.
Tracking progress and addressing data gaps through a deep dive into SDG 6
Wednesday, July 19th 2-3 pm ET
Venue: Conference Room no. 11
Manuals and Guidance
UN-SWAP 2.0 Technical guidance that guides reporting and is updated with references and good practices annually.
This strategy document was developed to ensure a more systematic approach to strengthen the inclusion of the rights of women and girls with disabilities in UN Women's efforts to achieve gender equality empowerment of all women and girls and the realization of their rights
Unlocking the potential for the future
November 15-17, 2023
Eastern Standard Time
UNFPA, 5th floor, 605 3rd Ave, New York
Overview of UN Women's work to amplify the voices of women with disabilities and enable their equal representation, UN Women strives to ensure their active participation in intergovernmental meetings and consultative processes.
Pivoting to the field
Tools and methodologies
This table is to facilitate UN-SWAP focal points to collect data from business owners for the 2023 UN-SWAP reporting, in word format.
Manuals and Guidance
A simple guidance on the steps and reminders in using the UN-SWAP reporting platform.
Manuals and Guidance
The ILO Guidance on the use of the gender marker explains the requirements for each GEM score and provide examples to ensure the correct application of the gender maker.
Briefs and brochures
Persons with disabilities have the same rights as anyone else to participate in society. However, in practice, persons with disabilities are often not able to enjoy these rights and participate but find themselves excluded and discriminated against
Briefs and brochures
The purpose of this document is to provide a user-friendly guide for women with disabilities across the globe to understand their rights in accessing support when experiencing gender-based violence and to enable them to advocate with States for their rights.
Manuals and Guidance
A brief intro of the 17 performance indicators under UN-SWAP 2.0 to measure UN system-wide progress on gender mainstreaming. Participating UN entities use the indicators for the annual UN-SWAP assessment and reporting.