This guide is the product of an inter-agency collaborative effort led by UN Women (Regina Frey, Priya Alvarez, Cristina Alvarez Pascual, Ghada Jiha, Jennifer Olmsted, and Angela Rong Chen). It draws significantly on the work on gender equality markers done by Jennifer Olmsted, PhD and benefited from the active engagement and rich contributions of several colleagues across the UN system.
UN Women wishes to acknowledge and thank the following individuals for sharing their knowledge, experience, good practices and lessons learned with implementing gender equality marker systems in their organizations: Anjad Hithnawi (DPPA), Benoit Conti (UNICEF), Bettina Schreck (UNIDO), Carla Mousa (ESCWA), Carmen Schuber (UNIDO), Cecilia Ugaz Estrada (UNIDO), Claudia Hargarten (DPPA), Elizabeth Burgessims (WFP), Esuna Dugarova (UNDP), Leyla Sharafi (UNFPA), Leszek Bar-czak (ESCWA), Nicolas Schmidt (UNIDO), Shaza Suleiman (PBSO), Shreyasi Jha (UNICEF) Silva Armani (DPPA), Stian Holen (ESCWA) and Tarcisio Alvarez-Rivero (ESCWA).
If you have good examples of how a GEM system can be implemented and used, or any other useful material regarding GEM in your entity, please share with