Explore resources on the GEM’s application.
This module provides resources on the application of the gender marker at the UN level, at the entity level, and in pooled funds.
9.1 System-wide Guidance on the GEM
GEM as the VII UN Financial Data Standard (2023): In 2023, the CEB Finance and Budget Network (FBN)endorsed the Data standards for United Nations System-wide reporting of financial data with the gender marker as the 7th standard. This standard is being applied system-wide with a transitionary period of 3 years.
UNCT Gender Equality Marker Guidance Note (2019): This guidance outlines how the UNCT GEM is to be implemented; its core principles and coding definitions; and how to ensure quality assurance therein. This guidance is developed to support UNCTs in the application of the GEM within UN INFO and the UNSDCF.
CEB Guidance Note - Coding Definitions for Gender Equality Markers (2018): This note elaborates on two Standards: the ‘unit of analysis’ and ‘coding definitions’ to support UN entities in applying their gender marker in an optimal manner. It also discusses how the coding experience can assist in contributing to gender sensitive programme design.
CEB Quality Assurance of Gender Equality Markers Improving Accuracy & Consistency Guidance Note (2018): This guidance note seeks to encourage inter-agency knowledge sharing to improve the implementation of UN-SWAP 2.0 Performance Indicators 9 (on resource tracking) and 10 (on resource allocation).
Financing for Gender Equality and Tracking Systems Background Note (2013): The Background Note highlights the importance of agreement on minimum standards for institutional gender equality markers and stresses the need for clarity and transparency in reporting.
Gender Equality Marker Guidance Note (2013): The Guidance Note sets out common principles and standards for gender equality marker systems that track and report on allocations and expenditures for gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment. It is intended as a guide to the development of an effective and coherent approach for tracking resources that support gender equality results with agreed upon parameters and standards inside the UN system.
Steps to Develop a Gender Equality Marker (2013): These guidelines are intended to provide a general overview of some of the common milestones that UNDP, UNICEF and UNFPA followed in developing their gender marker systems from concept to implementation.
Gender Equality Marker Guidance note (2012): The guidance note sets out common principles and standards for gender equality marker systems that track and report on allocations and expenditures for gender equality and women’s empowerment.
9.2 Entity-Specific Guidance Notes on GEM
ILO Guidance note on Gender equality and non-discrimination: Definition of marker codes and examples (2022): The guidance on the use of the gender marker explains the requirements for each GEM score and provide examples to ensure the correct application of the gender maker.
UN Habitat Gender Equality Marker: This one-page guide presents the gender equality marker scale and coding definitions used by UN Habitat in humanitarian programming.
UNICEF Gender Toolkit: Integrating Gender in Programming for Every Child in South Asia: This toolkit provides guidance on how to undertake a gender analysis, and what needs to be in place to ensure gender is mainstreamed effectively in UNICEF programming. It includes a discussion on the gender equality marker and how it can be integrated in project design.
UNICEF Gender Equality Marker and Gender Tag Guidance Note (2022): This guidance note instructs UNICEF staff on the application of the gender equality marker and the use of the gender tag.
UNIDO Compliance and Gender Marker Form: UNIDO’s project and programme approval function requires all projects and programmes to assess their envisaged contribution to gender equality and the empowerment of women as a precondition to approval for implementation. This is done based on the criteria of the UNIDO Gender Marker as indicated in the UNIDO Gender Compliance and Marker Form. Within its four-level scale of assessment (see table below), UNIDO Gender Markers 2A and 2B are the desired good practice as per the 2020-2023 Gender Strategy.
UNIDO Guide to Gender Analysis and Gender Mainstreaming the Project Cycle: This Gender Mainstreaming Guide and Toolkit provides guidance, entry points and practical recommendations for technical personnel and Gender Focal Points working on UNIDO projects and programmes as well as for implementing partners and stakeholders. It aims to facilitate the effective and efficient integration of gender considerations throughout the entire project/ programme cycle, with a particular focus on gender analysis tools to support the important stage of project design.
UN Women Handbook on Gender Mainstreaming for Gender Equality Results (2022): This Handbook seeks to promote understanding of the gender mainstreaming strategy and the required gender-responsive policy and practice necessary for it to be implemented in all areas. While the Handbook is focused specifically on the more traditional areas of development policy and practice, the discussions, findings, and recommendations are equally applicable in the context of humanitarian responses and programmes in conflict and peace-building contexts.
9.3 Pooled Funds
Guidance Note: UN Covid-19 Response & Recovery Fund - Gender Equality Marker (2020): This Guidance Note provides an overview of the gender equality marker and its application for the COVID-19 MPTF. It offers a checklist of minimum criteria, as well as tips and good practice examples to support gender mainstreaming throughout proposals and ensure applicant UN organizations accurately apply gender equality marker codes in their submission.
Early lessons and Evaluability of the UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery MPTF (2021): This report was commissioned by the SG’s Designate for COVID-19 in line with the SG’s April 2020 report on the quadrennial policy review to evaluate COVID-19 MPTF as a system-wide evaluation. It represents a first effort to realise the potential of System-Wide Evaluation as an approach to contribute to shared learning and provide an assessment of mutual accountability.
Peacebuilding Guidance Note on Gender Marker Scoring (2019): This guidance provides an overview of the gender equality marker and its application for the Peacebuilding Fund. It offers a checklist of minimum criteria, as well as tips and good practice examples to support gender mainstreaming throughout proposals and ensure applicant UN organizations accurately apply gender equality marker codes in their submission.
Thematic Review on Gender-responsive Peacebuilding (2021): This review maps good practices, gaps, challenges, emerging trends and priorities for action in gender-responsive peacebuilding, including on the use of the gender equality marker in the Peacebuilding Fund.
9.4 Other Resources
Handbook on the OECD-DAC Gender Equality Policy Marker (2016): This handbook is designed to promote a better understanding of the gender marker and to support DAC member agencies in applying this tool by providing recommendations for its effective application.
Gender snapshot 2023: The report provides a comprehensive analysis of gender equality progress across all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
If you have questions or comments on using the gender equality marker, please send a message to GEMhelpdesk@unwomen.org.