7.1 Financial Targets
Setting a financial benchmark is a standard under the UN-SWAP: key performance indicator 10 (PI 10). A financial benchmark refers to establishing a target percent of funds to be spent on gender equality and the empowerment of women. Since different entities engage with the issue of gender equality and the empowerment of women to varying degrees, there is not a single percentage that is recommended for all entities. Each entity should set its own benchmark that is relevant to their mandate and as part of strategic planning and budget discussion. This also requires an examination and inclusion of regular, core and non-core resources.
In order to assess whether the financial benchmark has been met, tracking of financial resources (UN-SWAP Performance Indicator 09) is necessary. A gender equality marker will enable UN entities to measure whether their current allocations are adequate to meet institutional commitments gender equality and the empowerment of women. Gender marker data should inform the development of a baseline of financial resource allocation as well as the financial target to be met.
For entities that are rolling out their gender marker or have not yet gathered sufficient data, a starting point is to set a target based on particular outputs that have a clear gender equality component. Once sufficient data is collected, the financial target should be adjusted accordingly, preferably becoming not only more comprehensive but also more ambitious.