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This learning module is a part of the "I Know Gender" series developed by UN Women Training Center. It's available for everyone who is interested to know the implementation of the gender markers. Gender markers are a crucial tool in the accountability of financing for gender equality and women’s empowerment. Gender equality markers can help us identify where these investments are happening and where there are gaps.
This learning module is a part of the "I Know Gender" series developed by UN Women Training Center. It's available for everyone who is interested to know the implementation of the gender markers. This module provides background information on gender equality coding and provides practice on coding specific initiatives. The module only draws on documentation from entities that have gender equality markers that are consistent with the UNDG guidance. The purpose is to provide additional information on gender equality marker definitions or codes and provide opportunities to practice coding specific initiatives.
Briefs and brochures
A quick overview of UN-SWAP accountablity framework, with its history, milestone events, key resources generated and key results achieved since 2012.
The current study is a part of the 2019-2021 Mapping and Costing Studies of Gender Equality Architecture - the existing arrangements and resources within UN entities to implement the gender mainstreaming function in the UN system. This results has been enormously revealing, including the implications of expanding gender remits, the emerging discussion on gender staffing standards, and the harmonized implementation of the gender equality marker and financial targets allowing for better understanding of investments on gender equality.
This is the powerpoint presentation of the 2019-2021 Mapping and Costing Studies of Gender Equality Architecture - the existing arrangements and resources within UN entities to implement the gender mainstreaming function in the UN system. The results have been enormously revealing, including the implications of expanding gender remits, the emerging discussion on gender staffing standards, and the harmonized implementation of the gender equality marker and financial targets allowing for better understanding of investments on gender equality.
Briefs and brochures
This brief seeks to explain the status of the implementation of the Gender Equality Marker (GEM) in the UN system (at the entity level, UN Country Team level, and in the inter-agency pooled funds level).
Manuals and Guidance
This document complements and expands on the UNSDG’s Gender Equality Marker Guidance Note (2013).
Together with the Guidance Note on Coding Definitions for Gender Equality Markers (2018), this supplementary guide aims to support UN entities in applying their Gender Equality Markers (GEMs) in an optimal manner. It seeks to encourage inter-agency knowledge sharing and is being developed by the UN-SWAP Gender Marker Working Group of the Finance and Budget Network (FBN), which is chaired by UN Women.
Manuals and Guidance
This document complements and expands on the UNSDG’s Gender Equality Marker Guidance Note (2013).
Together with the Guidance Note on Quality Assurance of Gender Equality Markers (2018), this supplementary guide aims to support UN entities in applying their Gender Equality Markers (GEMs) in an optimal manner. This note elaborates on two Standards that have been the focus of discussion in the last three years: the ‘unit of analysis’ and ‘coding definitions,’ as well as discussing how the coding experience can assist in contributing to gender sensitive programme design.
Manuals and Guidance
This guidance note sets out common principles to ensure that UN gender marker systems are comparable and sets standards for gender equality marker systems that track and report on allocations and expenditures for gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment. It will guide the development of an effective and coherent approach for tracking resources that support gender equality results with agreed upon parameters and standards inside the UN system. This will allow for UN system-wide reporting2 with regard to funds contributing to promoting gender equality. This guidance note is intended to provide direction for individual entities instituting or improving their gender equality marker systems.
Briefs and brochures
The meta-analysis consisted of a sample of 24 evaluations purposively selected from a population of 330 evaluations on the UNEG website found after a search for the keyword “gender”. The sampling frame was a mix of the main types of gender-related evaluations on gender strategies, policies and programmes implemented in the period from 2017 to 2022 with a main focus on results. The sample is representative of the different types of entities reporting to the UN-SWAP, and the analysis is divided into two parts: the focus and the quality of the evaluation; the evaluation results.
Briefs and brochures
A quick overview of UN-SWAP accountablity framework, with its history, milestone events, key resources generated and key results achieved since 2012.
Manuals and Guidance
The Toolkit aims to help both organizations and individual practitioners and experts to address intersectionality in policies and programmes.
Briefs and brochures
The brief highlights UN Women’s research on disability inclusion markers alongside insights from a wide range of development partners.
Briefs and brochures
The brief sheds light on the barriers faced by women with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities in accessing justice, and explores a series of recommendations to close the justice gap.
The study presents knowledge on the different forms of violence, its underlying causes, and the ability to access services as well as the experiences of women with disabilities in Egypt, focusing on the intersectionality between gender, disability and poverty.
Briefs and brochures
By focusing on the intersection of gender, age, and disability, this brief seeks to raise awareness regarding the situation of older women with disabilities and provides a set of recommendations for actions that stakeholders might consider and implement.
Briefs and brochures
This brief analyzes legal and policy data from 190 economies on the rights of women with disabilities and highlights promising practices where laws directly recognize and protect these needs, with the goal of informing policy reforms across the globe.
Briefs and brochures
This brief presents data on the legal barriers that women with disabilities face when accessing economic opportunities in 190 economies. The new data suggest that only one-quarter of economies worldwide explicitly protect and promote the rights of women with disabilities.
Manuals and Guidance
The Guidance Note seeks to encourage an intersectionality perspective in the context of policy development, programming and project implementation as a means of strengthening the UN system’s efforts to eliminate racial discrimination and strengthen the protection of minorities.
The latest UN system-wide achievements on gender equality and empowerment of women, collected via the 2022 UN-SWAP reporting. A total of 41 useful data points on the number and name of entities per detailed achievements, across 17 business functional indicator areas.