Resource Library
Manuals and Guidance
This publication is part of a capacity-building initiative aimed at enhancing the capacity of sector specialists and gender focal points to produce and utilize gender analysis in their work. The focus of this guide is Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (CDRFI), a thematic area where gender analysis has been less widely implemented than in some other sectors. The guidance provides practical tips, steps, and checklists to conduct a gender analysis and examples of good practices. It is relevant for a variety of international development interventions, supporting CDRFI use for and with partner governments in programmes such as a National Adaptation Plan advisory, national disaster risk management and disaster risk financing strategies, and in areas such as financial inclusion, insurance, and agriculture, among others.
Briefs and brochures
This brief seeks to explain the status of the implementation of the Gender Equality Marker (GEM) in the UN system (at the entity level, UN Country Team level, and in the inter-agency pooled funds level).
Tools and methodologies
This is a presentation on the GEM and financial targets in the UN System as part of the ITC-ILO Course “Gender Responsive Budgeting within Organizations”, made by UN Women in December 2022. The aim of the presentation was to inform participants about the use of the GEM and financial targets as UN tools for ensuring gender equality and the empowerment of women at entity and country levels and at pooled funds.
This report presents a rapid gender analysis of Joint Programmes (JPs) reported in the UNSDG Information Management System (IMS) exploring the extent to which gender and SDG 5 are reported as a focus of the JPs and what the proportion of overall funding is to JPs with a gender or SDG 5 focus. The analysis was developed by the UN Women UN System Coordination Division to strengthen evidence-based analysis, provide a baseline for similar follow-up analysis of IMS data from 2022 and identify trends with the overall objective to inform UN System policies and engagement with UNCTs on strengthening gender equality in JPs.
Good practices
Empowered by the UN-SWAP 2.0, UN Women is able to identify and coordinate the system-wide adoption of good practices and harmonized products that can be scaled from one entity to another. UN Women selects and publishes a series of good practices from various entities on annual basis, normally through the UN-SWAP review reports and the updated technical guidance. This catalog aggregates various best practices under UN-SWAP 2.0 indicators, updated in 2022.