Resource Library
Manuals and Guidance Standards and procedures
Este documento proporciona orientación a los CRs, al equipo país de las Naciones Unidas (UNCTs), a las agencias y al personal de la ONU y a las/los líderes e integrantes de los GTGs, sobre los estándares relacionados con el rol, las funciones y las metodologías de trabajo de estos grupos.
Good practices Standards and procedures
The objective of these Field-specific Enabling Environment Guidelines is to provide tailored guidance for personnel in the field, especially in mission settings, to help increase the representation of women and accelerate efforts to reach parity in the UN system
Manuals and Guidance Standards and procedures
This document provides guidance to RCs, UNCTs, individual UN entities and UN staff, GTG chairs and members on standards related to the role, functions and working methods of GTGs.
Manuals and Guidance Standards and procedures
The Resource Guide for Gender Theme Groups is a key resource for further enhancing coordinated action on gender equality and the empowerment of women by UN staff operating in the field.