Resource Library
Manuals and Guidance
Ces normes et procédures visent à combler certaines lacunes tout en exploitant le potentiel existant, en clarifiant la manière dont les GTG doivent fonctionner dans le contexte des nouveaux cadres et processus, en abordant les difficultés et les opportunités actuelles d’une manière globalement cohérente, dans les contextes nationaux.
Manuals and Guidance Standards and procedures
Este documento proporciona orientación a los CRs, al equipo país de las Naciones Unidas (UNCTs), a las agencias y al personal de la ONU y a las/los líderes e integrantes de los GTGs, sobre los estándares relacionados con el rol, las funciones y las metodologías de trabajo de estos grupos.
Briefs and brochures
This brief seeks to explain the status of the implementation of the Gender Equality Marker (GEM) in the UN system (at the entity level, UN Country Team level, and in the inter-agency pooled funds level).
Briefs and brochures
The brief highlights UN Women’s research on disability inclusion markers alongside insights from a wide range of development partners.
Manuals and Guidance
UN-SWAP 2.0 Technical guidance that guides reporting and is updated with references and good practices annually.
Manuals and Guidance
A brief intro of the 17 performance indicators under UN-SWAP 2.0 to measure UN system-wide progress on gender mainstreaming. Participating UN entities use the indicators for the annual UN-SWAP assessment and reporting.
Manuals and Guidance
UN-SWAP 2.0 Technical guidance that guides reporting and is updated with references and good practices annually
Manuals and Guidance Policy
Guidance on how to develop a UN-SWAP 2.0-aligned gender equality and empowerment of women policy at the corporate level
Manuals and Guidance Strategic plans
Guidance on what to consider when developing a high-level result on gender equlity and the empowerment of women for the strategic plan, including examples from UN entities.
Manuals and Guidance
Guidance on the steps and content to consider when conducting a UN-SWAP peer review
Research and data
A presentation on system-wide progress against the 17 UN-SWAP performance indicators in 2019. Includes key drivers of progress and factors hindering progress
Research and data
A presentation on system-wide progress against the 17 UN-SWAP performance indicators in 2020. Includes good practices from reporting entities and an overview of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the promotion of GEEW as reported in the 17 indicator areas
Manuals and Guidance
This document provides guidance to UN Country Teams (UNCTs) as they plan, finance, deliver and evaluate their support to countries in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), typically over a five-year cycle.
Good practices Manuals and Guidance
These guidelines include good practices and recommendations to help guide and support all UN entities to make progress on a better work environment.
Good practices Standards and procedures
The objective of these Field-specific Enabling Environment Guidelines is to provide tailored guidance for personnel in the field, especially in mission settings, to help increase the representation of women and accelerate efforts to reach parity in the UN system
Manuals and Guidance Standards and procedures
This document provides guidance to RCs, UNCTs, individual UN entities and UN staff, GTG chairs and members on standards related to the role, functions and working methods of GTGs.
Manuals and Guidance
The UNCT-SWAP Scorecard is a standardized assessment of UN country-level gender mainstreaming practices and performance that is aimed at ensuring accountability of senior managers and improving UNCT performance.
Manuals and Guidance
The technical notes provide guidance on the 15 performance indicators of the United Nations entity accountability framework and will guide entities to implement and report on the United Nations Disability Strategy (UNDIS).
Good practices
Empowered by the UN-SWAP 2.0, UN Women is able to identify and coordinate the system-wide adoption of good practices and harmonized products that can be scaled from one entity to another. UN Women selects and publishes a series of good practices from various entities on annual basis, normally through the UN-SWAP review reports and the updated technical guidance. This catalog aggregates various best practices under UN-SWAP 2.0 indicators, updated in 2022.
Manuals and Guidance
UN-SWAP 2.0 Technical guidance that guides reporting and is updated with references and good practices annually.